It can result in having unprotected sex, having sex with a person who has an unidentified sexual history, having unprotected sex with different people, having viral infections, and starting relations at a younger age.
There are different complications that this condition can cause you. It is closely linked to the development of cervical cancer due to the fact that most HPV viruses lead to cancer. It is also revealed that other HPVs are associated with neck and head cancers.
Fortunately, there are top solutions for you to get rid of the genital warts when needed. But it is advised that before you even undergo treatment, you should let a professional check if you are indeed suffering from the disease.
In order to give you top natural solutions for the treatment of male genital warts, here are the following:
Herbal Extracts and Plant Oils
There are naturals that will help you treat your genital warts by simple application. You can consider natural remedies, such as Aloe Vera juice, Tea tree oil, and castor oil among others. It is verified that the said solutions really work and will give you the best of natural treatment over genital warts.
Castor Oil
This is a specific solution that comes from Rincinus Communis. It is stated that with this natural solution, you will be able to treat your male genital warts in the most effective way. You just need to apply the solution three times a day to the affected area. It may come with an unpleasant smell, but there is a way to get rid of this annoyance—by applying peppermint oil.
Garlic and Onion
By extracting the juices of the two veggies, you will find it easier to heal your infection by controlling the spread of infection. The extracts from the veggies will help you benefit from antimicrobial properties.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This is an effective disinfectant that will help you get rid of the burning sensation during treatment. It is a convenient solution that can alleviate the symptoms of genital warts.
Vitamin E Oil
This type of oil will also help in giving you riddance of warts. It will help you remove the dead skin tissues, which are thought to be carrying the genital wart causing virus.
Tea Leaves
These are also found to be effective in giving you remedial option with the simple procedure of using a cotton ball in applying the solution on the affected area. It helps in giving you protection from further infection.
The natural remedies are proven to work and will give you the reason to keep your problem private and solved at home. Just follow the instructions and you will benefit from the treatments’ advantages in the optimum way.